Gynecological device
Videocolposcope VC HD-1000
The Videocolposcope VC HD-1000 is a gynecological device that helps in the imaging and diagnosis of the lower female genital tract.
What distinguishes the Videocolposcope VC HD-1000?
- image presented on the monitor in real time,
- internal white light source focusing on the examined range,
- smooth magnification adjustment (from 2x to 30x),
- wide range of field of view (from 5 to 150 mm),
- polarizing filter,
- negative and red-free filter,
- clear and large image thanks to the use of a Full HD camera and monitor – 1920x1080, 22 inches,
- ability to connect an external monitor.
Construction of a Videocolposcope HD-1000

Tripod workspace
The Videocolposcope VC HD-1000 is a free-standing device on a self-propelled base. It has been designed to ensure functionality and easy access to the patient.


External connectors
- 12 V power socket,
- power switch,
- footswitch input,
- 1 HDMI input,
- 2 HDMI outputs.
Additional equipment
- IRIS or miniIRIS software,
- video card,
- foot button,
- HDMI cable.